KARAM Industries plants 3,000 trees in UPSIDC green belt area

KARAM Industries plants 3,000 trees in UPSIDC green belt area
Noida-based PPE manufacturing company KARAM Industries today planted 3,000 trees in the green belt area of Uttar Pradesh State Industrial Development Corporation (UPSIDC).

The tree plantation drive was organised by the company’s CSR arm KOSHISH in collaboration with UPSIDC and Pollution Control Board (PCB), an official statement said.

“The company successfully planted over 3,000 trees in the Green Belt area of the UPSIDC today,” it said.

Speaking about the initiative, KARAM Group Chief Human Resources Officer Kavita Nigam said the company has taken yet another landmark step to address the acute challenges in afforestation and subsequent air pollution through the tree plantation drive.

“We are looking forward to expanding the programme to cover different parts of the country in the near future,” she said.

Planting trees has manifold benefits as they release oxygen into the air, maintain biodiversity, conserve water, preserve the soil besides controlling the climate and providing shelter for the fauna of the region.

KOSHISH was established in 2014 for organizing various corporate social responsibility campaigns.
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