"Single day not sufficient to address critical environment issues"

As the world celebrates the 50th World Environment Day with ‘beat plastic pollution’ as the focus, the kind of impact it should have had in 50 years on issues like wildlife, biodiversity, forests and water conservation is clearly missing. Be it plastic pollution, loss of vegetation and biodiversity, air and water pollution, climate change, perishing wildlife, there are so many critical environmental issues that a single day in the year will not suffice.

Every day needs to be treated as a day for the environment so that we could truly reach a stage where it is a matter of celebration for all of us. Our environment, be it in India or across the globe needs our unwavering attention.

The governments (states and centres), local authorities, industry owners, citizens, non-governmental organisations – every stakeholder across the globe needs to work in consonance with the other to ensure that we save our environment and this planet.

If only we succeed, we would have a reason to celebrate World Environment Day. Until then we need to treat it as a serious responsibility which needs to be discharged on a daily basis.

  Nawneet Vibhaw, Partner, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co
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"CSR is a hard-edged business decision. Not because it is a nice thing to do or because people are forcing us to do it because it is good for our business."
Niall FitzGerald
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